Note to Self: Don’t Forget to Pray for Your Church-Wide Campaign

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You’ve done everything you could to ensure that you’re ready for a powerful church-wide campaign.

  • You’ve carefully prepared, planning the weeks leading up to the campaign, the campaign itself, and the series that follows.
  • You’ve chosen a great series for the campaign.
  • You’ve recruited coaches to help sustain as many new groups as possible.

Can I remind you about a very important step?  Don’t forget to pray!  Don’t forget to pray for your senior pastor.  Don’t forget to pray for God’s protection on the leadership of your church.  Don’t forget to pray for every new host that will be recruited.  Don’t forget to pray for every new small group member that will be invited.

Who should be praying for your campaign?  Everyone!  Your staff should be praying every day.  Your elders or deacons ought to be praying every day.  If you have a prayer ministry, invite them to pray for the campaign and recruit others to join them.  Your existing small group leaders…ought to be praying every day.

I want to urge you to consider one more level of prayer.  I want to urge you to consider adding a 7 day prayer guide to your new host packet (that you’ll distribute at your host orientation).  Teach your new hosts to pray every day during the week before your launch.  Give them a 7 day prayer guide that will help your new leaders know what to do.

Here is a simple form I’ve included in new host packets for over 10 years.  I got the idea for this 7 day prayer guide from the 40 Days of Purpose campaign kit.

If you’re like me, you get so caught up in the practical preparation for the campaign.  Don’t miss this key step!  Don’t miss what only God can do!