Preparing for Church-Wide Campaigns

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Getting ready for fall?  If you want to have a really effective church-wide campaign, you need to begin early.  Churches that understand how to do this begin a minimum of 4 to 6 months in advance.  There are just too many details to get right, and the stakes are too high, to wait until the mood strikes.

Here are 8 articles that should give you a head start:

5 Keys to a Great Fall Ministry Season

Thinking Strategically About the Fall Ministry Season

Planning an Alignment (Church-Wide Campaign)

New Church-Wide Studies for 2009

How to Recruit HOSTS

Take a Small Group Vacation

How to Make the Small Group Ask

5 Keys to Sustaining New Groups

Need help?  These articles will give you the basics for planning an effective church-wide campaign.  Want to have a great campaign?  Join me for Launch: An 8 Session Training Program.  Beginning July 2nd, 2009, Launch will systematically take you through the steps and lay the foundation for a killer campaign.