Quotebook: Thoroughly Conscious Ignorance
As you know, I’ve long been an advocate of being a learner. Reading broadly, stoking curiosity, exploring stacks of seemingly unrelated material and curating collections of great questions are all part and parcel of the journey.
Watching Stuart Firestein’s TED video on the pursuit of ignorance was just one of my most recent excursions. I came away with several great quotes and a new appreciation for my own willingness to experiment in a search for better ways to connect people and make followers of Jesus. If you’ve never seen it you can watch it right here.
Here is the quote that caught my attention:
“Thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance in science.” James Clerk Maxwell
I know this is ostensibly a quote about science. No matter. It is actually about the idea that only when we are aware (conscious) of our own limited knowledge (ignorance) of how things work, will we become open to what is still possible.
Why is this important? Clearly, our current strategies have proven ineffective at connecting the widening 60%. Want to connect them? I do…and it will take a collection of strategies we have not yet discovered. See also, Different Leads to a Church OF Groups.