[Review] Finding Favor: God’s Blessings Beyond Health, Wealth and Happiness
[Review] Finding Favor: God’s Blessings Beyond Health, Wealth and Happiness
You know how there are some books you intend to read and you plan to read but it’s like life gets in the way and you put off reading? I finally spent some time with Finding Favor over the weekend…and it was very timely.
New from Brian Jones, founding Senior Pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley in suburban Philadelphia, Finding Favor turned out to be exactly what I needed to read right when I made time to read it.
Finding Favor takes a look at 8 unexpected ways God blesses people with His favor (and most of the ways aren’t what you think or have even thought about). For example, has it ever occurred to you that changing your own mind about something may be God’s way of showing favor to someone else? That may be a head-scratcher at first blush, but when you wrestle through the idea I think you’ll see the biblical case for it.
To say every chapter begins with an engaging story doesn’t do justice to Brian’s writing style. As a result, Finding Favor is a very easy read. Still, there will be sections that definitely prompt reflection. Beyond reflection, I experienced several moments that prompted a sense of longing for the kind of faith and practice that leads to God’s favor.
I don’t know about you, but the books on my stack tend to be very utilitarian. They are usually carefully chosen and are on a topic I want to explore or experience. Even the book on my bedside table is intentional. Finding Favor did not fit my normal protocol. I’m glad this book made it’s way to the top of the stack. It was exactly, if unexpectedly, what I needed.