Scouting the Divine: An Interactive Bible Study

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If you’re looking for a study that will open group member’s eyes with fresh insights about God, you need to take a look at Scouting the Divine: An Interactive Bible Study based on Margaret Feinberg’s book by the same name.

Shepherds and sheep and flocks, honey, harvests and crops, vines and vineyards.  Developed by Lifeway’s Threads team, this is a rich study that will take a group deep into several of the most prominent metaphors that describe God and the way we encounter Him.  Group members will never read the Gospels or the Psalms again without seeing deep beneath the words on the page.

With 6 DVD sessions featuring Feinberg, a gifted and masterful storyteller, groups will be well set up to talk about what they’re learning.  At the same time, Scouting the Divine isn’t a “show up and talk about it” kind of study.  Each week participants will have an assignment to be completed in advance that includes 15 to 18 pages of reading, questions to be answered, and scripture passages to be examined.  This preparation will make the discussion that takes place at the group meetings much more meaningful.

The Leader’s Guide is very detailed.  While only reasonable leader preparation is required (20 to 30 minutes in addition to their own completion of the week’s assignment) there is plenty of material available to encourage the group to thoroughly engage in the study.

Like many of the Threads studies, there are several ways to purchase Scouting the Divine.  At $9.95 the Member Books are in the upper range of what you would expect to pay for a study guide.  However, at 128 pages there is a lot to them and members should feel like it was a worthwhile investment.

This is a challenging study.  It’s also one that will take your groups deep into a rich experience and one that will influence their understanding of God in profound ways.