Great New Study for Women: Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story

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Had an opportunity to preview a new study from Angie Smith. Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story is a 7 session Bible study for women that “shows how the whole Bible–from Genesis through Revelation–connects as one beautiful seamless thread.” Angie Smith is the best-selling author of Mended, I Will Carry You and What Women Fear. Because of her background, she comes at the story of the Bible in a way that women who are new to Bible study will find very compelling.

DVD-driven, Seamless features the teaching of Angie Smith. The sessions are short, ranging from 11 to 16 minutes in length. Very conversational, her speaking style will grab your members’ attention from the opening moments.

The Bible Study book includes what you’d expect in a DVD-driven study. A section designed to help members review last week’s homework and questions that will help them talk about what they learned in the video. What may set this study apart is the care taken at setting up even the newest to the Bible members to gain a new understanding of the seamless story of the Bible. Each week has five days of homework and there’s enough there to take participants 30 to 60 minutes to complete. The writing is very engaging (sprinkled with trivia and fun facts) and will help along new members while keeping seasoned veterans engaged.

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly on the lookout for studies that will appeal to unconnected women who aren’t already part of a small group or Bible study. To qualify, the speaker on the video has to come across like someone a normal person can hang out with at a Starbucks. To qualify, the writing has to be understandable (without an interpreter) and engaging, pulling the member further into the content. Seamless qualifies. I loved it and I think your members will too.