Sunday* Tips for Small Group Pastors
Have you ever gotten to Sunday afternoon and then wished you would have remembered to talk with a group leader or coach about getting coffee? Or maybe realized as you were pulling out of the parking lot that you really should have reconfirmed what was going to be said in the announcements (or in your pastor’s message)?
I don’t know about you but I’ve found there are things I occasionally forget to do on Sunday*. And there are other things I realize too late that would have been good to do.
*or in my case Saturday and Sunday.
This post marks the beginning of a new Friday series that I hope will help you avoid some of the same dilemmas.
Sunday* Tips for Small Group Pastors
- Arrive early enough to talk briefly with whoever is making the announcements about specific language or a specific phrase they need to use when talking about the fall groups launch. Better: Email them the verbiage today and then remind them on Sunday morning.
- Take a few minutes before the service to talk briefly with the volunteer(s) helping at the small group kiosk. Thank them for serving and remind them about specific actions you want them to take (i.e., make sure sign-up forms are collected, make sure FAQs are distributed, note the difference between a host kit and a “family pack,” etc.). Better: Call or email volunteers today to arrange to meet with them briefly at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.
- Make it your practice to invite a small group leader or two to join you at the Guest Center after the service (with the hope/intention of it becoming a regular serving opportunity for small group leaders). Better: Begin this practice with one or two of your coaches. Equip them to begin doing it with a different group leader every weekend. Best: Develop a rolling calendar of which coach is serving at the Guest Center each weekend.
- Strategic: Be on the lookout for that small group leader you want to talk with about being a coach. Better: Call the leader today and make arrangements to chat face to face for a few minutes before the 11:00 a.m. service.
- Strategic: Be on the lookout for that coach you need to talk with about the potential coaches in his or her huddle. Better: Call the leader today and make arrangements to chat face to face for a few minutes before the 11:00 a.m. service.
What do you think? Have a suggestion or tip? You can click here to jump into the conversation.