Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Formation’
More from Mindy Caliguire on Spiritual Formation
One of the most current grouplife trends is the integration of spiritual formation practices into small group curriculum. In yesterday’s post we began a conversation with Mindy Caliguire, a leading spiritual formation voice. Here is part two of our conversation: Mark: Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, and maybe John Ortberg (for the everyman in us) are…
Read MoreMindy Caliguire on Spiritual Formation
If you’re following what’s happening in small group ministry, you know that one of the current grouplife trends is the integration of spiritual formation practices into small group curriculum. I’m seeing it as such a big influence that I asked Mindy Caliguire, a leading expert in spiritual formation, to give us some of her insight…
Read MoreReview: Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg
If you’ve not found Margaret Feinberg yet…you might want to pick up Scouting the Divine (comes out in paperback on March 1, 2011). Having only read The Organic God, I wasn’t sure what I’d find. I was amazed to find myself 35 pages in before I knew it. Better, I was enchanted by an captivating…
Read MoreReview: The Organic God by Margaret Feinberg
Spent some quality time with Margaret Feinberg’s The Organic God over the weekend. If you’re unfamiliar with Feinberg, let’s just say…this is a writer you need to get to know. I’ve been curious about her appeal for a couple years, after first hearing about her writing from Heather Zempel. Since then, I’ve had a number…
Read MoreIntegrating Spiritual Formation Practices into GroupLife
One of the most important trends in small group ministry is the way spiritual formation practices are being integrated into small group curriculum. I listed it as one of the top 5 trends right here. It’s popping up in a variety of ways. One of the most prominent ways that spiritual formation is showing up…
Read MoreThe Monvee Visual Experience
You may have been hearing about Monvee, probably the current leader in an emerging field of online assessment and build your own spiritual pathway concepts. Although there’s a lot to talk about (when you poke around amidst the discovery assessment, the discovery summary, the roadmap creator, and the dashboard that allows you to track your…
Read MoreReview: The Good and Beautiful Community
Had a chance this week to take a look at The Good and Beautiful Community; the newest addition to James Bryan Smith’s Apprentice Series. Published by InterVarsity Press, this series has been called by Dallas Willard, “The best practice I have seen in Christian spiritual formation.” Like the two previous books in the series, The…
Read MoreReview: Discovering Our Spiritual Identity
Looked over a copy of Discovering Our Spiritual Identity: Practices for the Beloved by Trevor Hudson this week. New from InterVarsity Press, this will be a good addition to your recommended list if you’re looking for ways to “live out…[your] spiritual identity as God’s beloved.” There are a number of aspects to really love about…
Read MoreThe Me I Want To Be
John Ortberg’s latest, The Me I Want to Be is now available as a church-wide campaign (in addition to being a great study for individual groups to do). Answering the question, “How can I become the best version of me?” the church-wide study will help your whole congregation take important steps in the same direction.…
Read MoreThe Good and Beautiful God
There is a new spiritual formation series out that you need to know about. The Good and Beautiful God, by James Bryan Smith, is a must have for your curriculum resource shelf. More importantly, it just might be what you need personally to take an important next step. [quote] You’ll get some sense of this…
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