Take a Look at LifeChurch.tv’s Free Small Group Resources
I reviewed LifeChurch.tv’s Open Source small group material back in 2009. I thought it was great then, but if you haven’t stopped by their new site, resources.lifechurch.tv, you are missing out on an interesting development!
After a recent post on another innovative curriculum solution, I got an email from Libby Myrin, a member of the LifeGroups & Missions team at LifeChurch.tv about their resources site. I asked Libby if I could share it with you. Here’s what she had to say:
Libby: This website serves as a hub of our available resources as well as those recommended by our leaders. We direct all our LifeGroup Leaders, families, and individuals to this site with a desire to fuel the growth of our attenders by providing this user-friendly site filled with valuable resources.
Me: Already sounds great. How is it organized?
Libby: We have several categories to ease navigation including LifeGroup Content, LifeGroup Leadership, Families, Parents, Marriages, For Men, For Women, Leadership, etc. Craig Groeschel’s books are also included as well as our resources for each weekend’s message and all our podcasts.
Me: What’s the cost for the resources?
Libby: Those resources produced by LifeChurch.tv are available for free, and this site provides links to the participant and facilitator guides, video teachings accessible via YouTube or Roku, and other related content. Our children’s ministry also makes their resources for parents and children available on this site as well.
Me: I know you guys have been producing content for years, how extensive is the catalog?
Libby: We are intentional to highlight our free resources, and limit each category to no more than 25 items to ensure quality and effectiveness. When we receive questions from other small group leaders around the country, I frequently refer them to this site. We would love to let other churches and leaders know about this tool and would welcome your recommendations in doing so.
Me: I took a few minutes to check it out. There’s so much good stuff there. I think if you haven’t stopped by resources.lifechurch.tv you really need to take a look and share it with your leaders. Thanks for sharing with all of us!