Testing a Feature of GroupLife Insider on June 27th

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Office Hours

GroupLife Insider Launched in Fall of 2017

I’m continuing to work on a new service I’ll be launching soon. GroupLife Insider, a new member site, will allow me to focus more of my time helping a select group of small group ministry point people. Membership rates will be very affordable and available with a monthly or discounted annual subscription.

To find out more about my membership site, please visit GroupLifeInsider.com.

One of the features I am maybe disproportionately excited about is a weekly “office hours” concept. Like when you were in college and your professors had “office hours” and you could drop by and ask questions about assignments and projects. Everyone who was in the office benefitted. Both the questioners and the eavesdroppers.

I’ve thought about this concept for a long time. Full disclosure: It’s really something Carl George mentioned to me that he was thinking of doing. Ever since that day I’ve thought this could be a lot of fun and very helpful for the most interested students.

How will office hours work for GroupLife Insider members? It will be a regularly scheduled video conference session that members will have the password to attend.

Testing GroupLife Insider Office Hours Soon

I’m testing the concept on Tuesday, June 27th, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. (PDT, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (EDT).

Want to check it out?

Only those who have expressed interest in GroupLife Insider will get an invite (Note: If you’re already on the GroupLife Insider list, you don’t need to sign up again).

I’d love to include you!

To find out more about my membership site, please visit GroupLifeInsider.com.