The ABCs of a Great Start (for your connection group)
A number of years ago (back when the connection strategy was new and untested) I developed a handout that I give to each person who is chosen as a leader. In most cases that’s more than one person per group. The handout is called, Getting Started: The ABCs of a Great Start (for your connection group).
The handout is very simple. It’s a prescription really. It’s a prescription that comes with a really good guarantee. I tell people as I hand it out that if they’ll follow these suggestions for…
- preparing for their first meeting
- what to do at the first meeting, and
- following up on the first meeting
…they’ll have a much better meeting and really increase the likelihood that it will be a great experience for everyone who comes.
Who doesn’t want that? Want your own copy of the handout? You can download one free right here. By the way, the handout mentions a small group covenant (agreement) and you can download one right here.