The Four Biggest Obstacles Standing in the Way of Starting New Groups*

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Recently I was in a room full of some very experienced, very sharp minds when it comes to starting new groups*. Admittedly, they were attempting to use the word groups to characterize both on-campus Sunday school classes and off-campus small groups.

At one point, a panel of four experts talked about their own personal experiences in starting groups. Imagine my consternation as I listened to their stories of starting one new group last year. One. Another expert talked about starting a new group every year for the last several. I'm not making this up.

It was a very frustrating  experience. Honestly, it was fascinating and frustrating at the same time. I found myself equally fascinated by some of their conclusions and frustrated by some of those same conclusions.

At one point, the moderator asked everyone to take a few minutes and share with those around you "what you think are the biggest obstacles in the way of starting groups." Again, it was frustrating and fascinating.

The Biggest Obstacles:

Keeping in mind that my answers describe the biggest obstacles standing in the way of both on-campus and off-campus efforts, here's what I've got:

1. The misplaced priority given to on-campus strategies.

The most influential people need to become location agnostic. Why? I've long believed that adults not currently in an on-campus experience are unlikely to add another 60 to 75 minutes and unchurched adults are extremely unlikely to embrace a three hour Sunday morning. I often note how common it is for most of us to watch a 60 minute program in 42 minutes (DVR).

Note: The reverse also applies. Some churches are so committed to off-campus groups they overlook the upside of select on-campus strategies. Like the first group, they need to become location agnostic. Neither on-campus nor off-campus are problem-free. There are upsides and downsides to both strategies. 

Some churches are so committed to off-campus groups they overlook the upside of select on-campus strategies. Like the first group, they need to become location agnostic. Neither on-campus nor off-campus are problem-free. There are… Share on X

2. The insistence that the best leaders have résumés.

As long as we pursue the notion that leading a group has anything to do with experience...we're going to have a hard time overcoming this obstacle. The truth is in most churches the largest number of potential leaders are not currently in a group and have never been in a group. Think about it. If you've connected 50% of your average adult weekend worship attendance, the other 50% is unconnected. Wouldn't 5 to 10% of the unconnected men and women be potential leaders?

The truth is in most churches the largest number of potential leaders are not currently in a group and have never been in a group. Think about it. If you've connected 50% of your average adult weekend worship attendance, the other 50%… Share on X

3. The illusion of knowledge.

Daniel J. Boorstin is credited with pointing out that "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge." The certainty that we've already figured out how to do it, that we already know best, is a massive obstacle. The only way to break through is to admit that the very best ways to launch new groups have not yet been discovered.

The certainty that we've already figured out how to do it, that we already know best, is a massive obstacle. The only way to break through is to admit that the very best ways to launch new groups have not yet been discovered. Share on X

4. The lure of the status quo.

This is the way we do it here. This is how groups happen here.

We are a Sunday school church.

We are a small group church.

In order to lead you must be an apprentice first.

In order to lead you must be a church member.

In order to lead you must be a tithing church member.

All groups meet on Sunday night.

All groups meet on Wednesday night.

All leaders must be able to teach.

All groups must birth a new group when they reach 12 members. 

This is the way we do it here. This is how groups happen here.

Unless we can break free from the shackles of the status quo...we will not be able to beat this one.

See also, The lure of the status quo.

Further Reading:

Are You Prioritizing the Launch of New Groups?

5 Keys to Launching New Groups Year Round

Ranking the Most Powerful Strategies for Launching New Groups

The Very Best Way to Launch the Largest Number of New Groups


Image by SteFou

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  1. Suzy on December 17, 2013 at 8:34 am

    The church we attend has small groups that rehash the Sunday sermon. I asked the pastor about doing as another church in the area does and having different subjects, which people can choose from, for two or three months. We went to those groups and they were very interesting/informative; plus, we built relationships. He said no. I said I couldn’t go anymore; too boring and I was already in two prayer groups with the same 7 people; could we at least move to another group – he said no. I told him we would just drop the group then and he said fine – so we did. How does this seem to you?

  2. markchowell on December 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    Thanks for jumping in here, Suzy. Many churches are big fans of the sermon-based semester model. In many cases it is very successful and has been effective at connecting 80 to 85% of the weekend adult attendance. What can I tell you about your situation? You’ll have to make that decision for yourself. Choosing a church is a very personal decision and depends on many variables.