The Missional Mom

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Had a chance to work my way through a great new resource over the weekend.  You might think it’s a little bit of a one-off here, but I think The Missional Mom: Living with Purpose at Home & in the World by Helen Lee is something you’re going to want to know about.

There’s really a lot to love about this one.  I especially enjoyed the way Lee works in so many stories illustrating the concepts she develops, making it a very readable book.  At the same time, she incorporates the ideas of quite a cross section of authors and thought-leaders, notably Alan Hirsch, Andy Crouch, Dave Gibbons, Os Guinness, Po Bronson, Dave and Jon Ferguson, and Ed Stetzer.

I think one of the most engaging aspects of the book is the feeling you get that the author is more than an aggregator of great stories and supporting references.  In The Missional Mom you get all of that with very good twist of personal experience.

With chapters on resisting cultural pressures, meaningful engagement in the needs of the world around you, and becoming both a disciple and a discipler, this is a challenging book.  It’s the kind of book that will inspire you to move in a new direction…or confirm and energize the direction you’re already moving in.

While it’s not purely a grouplife resource, as long as we’re talking about developing Christ-followers who live with a missional focus…this is the kind of book we ought to be reading (and putting into practice).  It’s also the kind of book that we ought to be handing to the women’s coaches and women of influence in our ministries.  Remember, whatever you want to happen in the lives of your members…has to be experienced by the leader first.  The Missional Mom will impact the women in your ministry live with a Kingdom mindset.

Let me be quick to add that while not specifically written as a grouplife resource, this is easily a book that could be read and discussed by women’s groups.  If you use it in your group, be sure and download the discussion guide from (you have to register at the site in order to download it).

If you’re looking for resources that will generate ministry at crowd’s edge…The Missional Mom ought to be on your reading list.

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  1. Helen Lee on March 28, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Appreciate your posting about the book, Mark! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I do think it’s an ideal book to read in the context of a small group and have heard of many moms already doing so and having great discussions. Thanks again!

  2. Anonymous on March 28, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Great book! Thanks for your work!
