Three Things that Need to Be on Our Minds Right Now
There are always things that need to done.
Some are mundane, everyday kinds of things. Pay the bills. Take the trash out to the street. File the TPS report. Answer the questions your supervisor is asking. Set a reminder to watch Rise of Skywalker on May the 4th (be with you).
There are also always critical things that need to be done.
And as tempting as it might be to obsess over the mundane things that need to be done, it's the other list that ought to be front and center in our minds.
Things that Need to Be on Our Minds Right Now:
First, there is no time like the present to prioritize connecting unconnected people.
After all, whether they are in your crowd or in the community around you, they are always one tough thing away from never being at your church again. Further, because of the impacts of COVID-19, unconnected people are more prone to be longing for connection and community than ever before or ever again.
Because of the impacts of COVID-19, unconnected people are more prone to be longing for connection and community than ever before or ever again. Share on X
And it's happening right now.
So at the top of my "to do" list, I'm hunting for ideas that will make it easier to connect unconnected people.
See also, Are You Seizing THIS Opportunity?
Second, build your understanding of the importance of engagement.
Engagement, vastly different than regular attendance, is the key to impact.
Carey Nieuwhof has said that, "Engagement is the new church attendance." He said it that way to emphasize that engagement is a lag indicator of the true impact you're having on your congregation and a lead indicator of the impact you will have on your crowd and community.
Now, you may already know a ton about engagement and how to increase engagement. And if you do, good for you!
But if you don't know much about how to increase engagement, put this on the top of your list of things to do right now!
Your ministry is the perfect place to begin implementing some tactics that will increase engagement (local outreach, neighborhood involvement, serving in a ministry, etc.).
Third, build your understanding of digital engagement.
If you've been following along here, you are already aware that I don't think what's happening right now is an interruption (i.e., just a season we need to get through so things can return to the old normal). Instead, I think we are all experiencing a disruption (i.e., an abrupt departure from the old normal that will settle into a new normal).
And one of the most important elements of the new normal will be the rapid adoption of "attending" online as the primary way of attending.
Sure, if your church is like mine, church online numbers have steadily been increasing over the last several years. And many have offered a rationale for why that is happening. I believe it is happening primarily because the difference experientially between on-campus and online is insignificant. The most important exception to this outcome happens when there are kids to be considered.
But a key for all of us, is to build our understanding of digital engagement so that as everything resolves into a new normal, we are already moving ahead with the design and implementation of a digital engagement pathway providing next steps for every digital attender and first steps for their friends.
We need to move now to design and build a digital engagement pathway providing next steps for every online attender and first steps for their friends. Share on X
See also, 3 Lessons Learned about Engagement (from COVID-19)