This Is Moving Week!

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Hey everybody!  Just wanted to keep you posted about what’s coming here at  I’ve accepted a position at Parkview Christian Church in Orland Park, IL and will begin my new role there on Sunday, February 21.  So…we’re moving this week.

As you can imagine…internet access will be a little hit and miss this week.  I can tell you this though.  I’ll be launching a new series in the next few days about how to diagnose existing small group ministries and implement new strategy without making enemies!  As we’ve talked about many times, sometimes fresh eyes are super important in an organization.  If you want to operate boundary-free…you’ve got to do things you’ve not done before.

In the meantime, take a look at the archives.  There’s some very helpful stuff if you just pick a month (like January or February of 2009) and poke around!  And I’ll be back in a few days.

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