Three Realities in the Hunt for Potential Small Group Leaders

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How do you spot a potential small group leader? Facial recognition software? Identifying marks? Some kind of spiritual profiling?

How do you know what to look for...when you're looking for a potential small group leader?

Here are three realities in the hunt for potential small group leaders:

First, I almost never find that "desire to be a small group leader" is a very good indicator.

It can be, but too often the desire to be a leader is motivated by the wrong things. This is the factor that has made the small group connection such a valuable leader identification tool. Better than anyone else, potential members of groups decide very quickly who they would be willing to follow. See also The Upside of Reluctant Leaders.

I almost never find that desire to be a small group leader is a very good indicator. It can be, but too often the desire to be a leader is motivated by the wrong things. Share on X

Second, current group members is a good fishing pool for new leaders, but not the best fishing pool.

While I do find potential small group leaders who are already members in a small group, that isn't an effective prerequisite in most churches. In most of the churches I consult with, the largest number of people with the greatest potential to lead well are not yet in a group. See also, Small Group Leaders: Qualifications, Hoops and Lowering the Bar.

In most of the churches I consult with, the largest number of people with the greatest potential to lead well are not yet in a group. —Mark Howell Share on X

Third, potential small group leaders rarely have it all together.

They are almost always works-in-progress. Connected with the right coach or mentor they eventually acquire the habits they will need; they will experience the things that will allow them to care for their members in the way that will help their members grow in Christ. But most potential small group leaders don't come in the door that way! See also, Life-Change at the Member Level and 8 Habits of a Life-Changing Small Group Leader.

Potential small group leaders rarely have it all together. They are almost always works-in-progress. Connected with the right coach or mentor they eventually acquire the habits they will need; they will experience the things that will… Share on X

If these realities are true, then what can we do?

Well, before we say anything else, lets agree that these realities are true! Yes, there are exceptions to all three. But...these are realities. When you're looking for potential small group leaders, you must keep these realities in mind.

What to do? These three realities have led me to what has become my prescription. You can develop the strategy you need with my 5 Keys to Finding More Leaders.

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Image by Rob Franksdad