Take a Look at Time to Dream: Saddleback’s Newest Church-Wide Campaign

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Thinking about your next church-wide campaign?

Maybe you're looking for campaign that will unite your congregation on mission. Or a campaign that will provide everyone a next step that will help them grow spiritually.

Maybe you're just aware that a church-wide campaign offers the very best way to connect the largest number of people and launch the largest number of new small groups.

Whatever your reasoning, you might want to take a look at Time to Dream: Open Doors to Your Future, the newest church-wide campaign Rick Warren and Saddleback Church.

I really like the direction of the series (and I think you'll see how it will be helpful for your congregation). The six sessions highlight:

  • The Door to a New You
  • The Door to Authentic Relationships
  • The Door to Greatness
  • The Door to Abundant Blessing
  • The Door to Your World
  • The Door to Your Eternal Legacy

Like the rest of Saddleback's most recent campaigns (40 Days of Prayer, What On Earth Am I Here For?, Transformed: How God Changes Us, and The Miracle of Mercy) Time to Dream has all the bases covered.

Time to Dream is 6 week message series accompanied by a 6 session DVD-driven study, featuring the teaching of Rick Warren. Like all of Saddleback’s campaigns, this one is the complete package and is a true church-wide campaign with material for the whole family.

The DVD segments in Time to Dream are classic Rick Warren.  His talks average 25-35 minutes long (for almost anyone else, they’d be a little long, but for Rick Warren, they’re right on target). He is the master of this style of communication.

The Time to Dream study guide is very simply organized and includes the fill-in-the-blank sections (allowing participants to take notes as they watch the video). Each session also includes a set of discussion questions, giving group members an opportunity to participate. Of particular note, every session also includes a "putting it into practice" segment encouraging members to not just be hearers but doers, as well (and the Check In component makes follow-up a natural step.

A new element to this campaign is the selection of an "Open Doors Project." Similar to 40 Days of Community, the project provides an outlet, showing hospitality to their neighborhood or community.

The study guide also includes an answer key for all sessions, extended prayer journal space, and a robust appendix with help for hosts and leader resources.

The Time to Dream: Open Doors to Your Future Starter Kit contains everything you need to plan, promote, and implement the Time to Dream campaign in your church:

  • Time to Dream Sermon Series — Taught by Rick Warren, this six-week series contains transcripts, outlines, MP3s, and PowerPoints.
  • Time to Dream Small Group Teaching DVD — Taught by Rick Warren, these six video lessons are provided for small group study or an adult education class. Each session runs 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Time to Dream Small Group Participant Workbook — This six-week study guide is designed for your small groups. It contains notes for small group teaching, discussion questions, and space for journaling and writing prayer requests.
  • Open Doors: A Year of Daily Devotions — This book by Rick Warren is a 365-day devotional to help people connect with God every day during the campaign and for the rest of the year.
  • Kids and Students Weekend Curriculum — Contains age-appropriate materials for your kids (preschool, early elementary, and upper elementary) and students (middle school and high school combined) for large group gatherings.
  • Campaign Success Guide — This practical, step-by-step resource has everything you need to implement the campaign in your church.
  • Time to Dream Bookmark and Poster — Preview these samples to decide if they are a fit for your church.
  • Campaign Resource USB Drive — This thumb drive contains files that are both editable and print-ready so that you can promote the Time to Dream campaign in your church (logos, web banners, and more).

*Saddleback Church’s campaign start date is February 16, 2020. The first sermon and subsequent messages as well as kids/students weekend curriculum will be available 2 weeks following each message taught. *Download instructions are included in the kit.

If you're on the lookout for a church-wide campaign, Time to Dream is one you need to consider. The topic is very appealing (makes sense to the already connected and unconnected alike). The topic is also very "cross-cultural". Everyone wants a better future; a better tomorrow. The promise of Time to Dream is a good one.

Need help?

If you need help with an upcoming church-wide campaign, I can help! Sign up for How To MAXIMIZE Your Church-Wide Campaign - 2020 and take advantage of almost 20 years experience leading campaigns in hundreds of churches.