Top 10 Posts of June, 2011

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Here are my most popular posts of June, 2011.  Interesting to me that only three of the top 10 were written in June!  Not 100% sure what that means.  I choose to think it means the older articles in this month’s top 10 address some of the key issues in small group ministry.  What do you think?

  1. 5 Things Senior Pastors Need to Know About Small Group Ministry
  2. Todd Engstrom on Austin Stone’s Missional Move
  3. On the Verge: An Important New Book from Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson
  4. How to Launch Groups Using a Small Group Connection (May, 2008)
  5. How to Choose a Small Group Strategy or System (October, 2009)
  6. How to Build an Effective Coaching Structure (February, 2008)
  7. Top 10 Fantasies of Church WITH Small Groups (August, 2010)
  8. Archives (with over 650 articles, sorted by category)
  9. The Exponential Power of a Church-Wide Campaign (June, 2009)
  10. About Mark Howell
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