Top 10 Signs that a Small Group Isn’t Really the Optimal Environment for Life-Change

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With apologies to Bill Donahue and the rest of the Willow Creek brain trust, here are the top 10 reasons that a small group isn’t really the optimal environment for life-change:

  1. 58% of women say they feel closer to Emily on the Bachelorette than the women in their Beth Moore Bible study.
  2. 67% of men say that they’ve never felt as close to another guy as when they discovered they were both rooting against LeBron James and The Heat.
  3. Have you tried the new Dr. Pepper 10?
  4. Nothing like a few passages from The Secret to really break down those barriers.
  5. As Dr Phil will tell you, “It’s better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else.”
  6. Apparently, New Slang by The Shins will “change your life, I swear.”
  7. There’s just something so invigorating about sitting in a row!
  8. Really, if you think about it, who hasn’t benefitted from some quality time with Homer’s Iliad.
  9. Once you’ve walked on red hot coals with Oprah you’ll never go back.
  10. “Doing life together” definitely takes a back seat to winning the PowerBall jackpot!

What do you think?  Got one I missed?  You can click here to jump into the conversation.

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  1. Artie Davis on July 6, 2012 at 4:02 am

    Comedy classic bro! Love it.

  2. markchowell on July 6, 2012 at 5:30 am

    Sometimes it’s just time for a laugh. Thanks Artie!


  3. Scott on July 6, 2012 at 6:44 am

    Dr. Pepper 10 wakes the Sleeping Giant!?

    One of these is a great resource…

  4. markchowell on July 6, 2012 at 6:48 am

    : )

  5. Lisa Colón DeLay on May 15, 2013 at 5:23 am

    I chuckled!

    People are so messy, it’s true. Sometimes discipleship relationships feel like having wet socks all day at a theme park.

  6. markchowell on May 15, 2013 at 2:40 pm

    Good one! I love it!
