Top 10 Signs It’s Time to Abandon Your Small Group Strategy

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6484425515_bf793b66a1_zAlthough you never want to give up prematurely…there are signs that it’s time to throw in the towel.  Let’s just say if very many of these happen…it might be a sign:

  1. Your capital campaign reaches the hallelujah goal and you can finally build the Taj Mahal of adult education space with a lifetime supply of rows!
  2. You have a recurring dream of napping in a row in theater style chairs with headrests and cup holders.
  3. You discover that 2% of the grab-and-go hosts really were ax murderers.
  4. Your end of the year host survey revealed that 2013’s most popular small group study was The Secret.
  5. The preferred future your senior pastor casts vision for sounds suspiciously like a smaller version of the weekend service.
  6. You can’t find enough Bible school graduates who are church members, will commit to your monthly three hour leader’s meeting and give at a tithing level to meet the need for group leaders!
  7. Your end of the year evaluation of your coaching structure reveals that being an elder may not qualify you to be a coach.
  8. In a stunning development, flannelgraphs are the surprise comeback media hit of the year!
  9. The follow up to Willow Creek’s Reveal study demonstrates conclusively that the optimal environment for life-change is a row!
  10. It turns out that better fill-in-the-blank workbooks are the secret key to making disciples who make disciples.

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Image by Infromation