Top 5 Reasons Small Group Leaders Quit
There are a number of reasons that small group leaders quit. While some quit for good reasons, most quit for reasons that are completely avoidable.
Here are what I believe are the top 5 reasons small group leaders quit:
1. They aren't being developed and discipled by a coach.
This is probably the most common reason small group leaders quit. If someone (a coach or mentor) isn't investing in them, it is unreasonable to think that the average leader will continue for long. While there will always be exceptional leaders who are essentially self-motivated, they are by definition the exceptions to the rule. Intentional investment in your leaders will overcome this very common reason for quitting.
The most common reason small group leaders quit is that someone (a coach or mentor) isn't investing in them, it is unreasonable to think that the average leader will continue for long without investment in them. Share on X
See also, Skill Training: Equip Your Coaches to Develop and Disciples Leaders.
2. No one in their group is sharing the load.
Some small group leaders don't know any better and have never been coached to share the load with the members of their group. Others come naturally by misplaced pride that "since they do everything better than everyone else"...they can't really let go of anything. Both patterns ultimately lead to burnout; both patterns lead to pent up frustrations that they have to do everything for the group to thrive or survive. In order for the leader and the group to survive, the leader must learn to share the load.
In order for the leader and the group to survive, the leader must learn to share the load. Share on X
See also, Skill Training: Priming the Leadership Pump and Skill Training: Rotating Host Homes.
3. They are discouraged by member's lack of participation.
There are two main reasons for a lack of member participation.
First, not every leader comes equipped with a natural ability to facilitate. Those who don't must learn the art of facilitating a discussion/conversation. Poorly facilitated groups usually die on their own, long before the leader quits. Attendance dwindles when everyone isn't engaged in the group meeting. Teaching leaders the how to facilitate a great discussion ought to be part of your leader development plan.
Second, smaller groups allow and encourage more participation. As a group grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for less dominating personalities to participate. Learning to sub-group is an essential leader skill.
See also, Skill Training: How to Stimulate Better Discussions and Skill Training: Sub-Grouping for Deeper Connection.
4. Their group dwindles in size and they can't (or won't) fish for new members.
Some small group leaders are only interested in "leading" a gathered group. When members move away or otherwise opt out of the group, this kind of leader's only recourse is to inform the small group pastor that they need some more members. And since feeding additional members to existing groups is almost never a successful strategy for growth, training group leaders to fish for their own new members is not optional. It is an essential skill for small group leaders.
Training group leaders to fish for their own new members is not optional. It is an essential skill for small group leaders. Share on X
See also, Skill Training: Top 10 Ways to Find New Group Members.
5. The leader is unable to manage an issue within the group.
Many groups come with a difficult personality or two. Carl George coined the term EGR (extra grace required) for the group member that requires extra attention. When the leader is unprepared for the challenge of skillfully leading through issues with problem personalities, sometimes it is just easier to quit than lovingly confront. This is primarily a coaching issue. When new leaders are given a coach from the beginning, challenging personalities can usually be spotted quickly and an appropriate strategy developed.
When new leaders are given a coach from the beginning, challenging personalities can usually be spotted quickly and an appropriate strategy developed. Share on X
See also, Four Questions Every Coach Should Be Asking.
Image by Pabak Sarkar
Great article Mark. Everything rises and falls on leadership (JM) and those of us in leadership fail to execute these simple principles you write about. Thanks for the reminder. Have a great week.
Thanks Wally!
I would add childcare to this list. Many people don’t feel as though they have an adequate space for children to go during their group meetings. If they do have space, they worry that something will get broken, wrote on, spilled, etc. After a semester of cleaning up messes, they decide to not do a group anymore.
Good insight Travis, but If childcare concerns are a common reason leaders quit in your system, you may want to analyze your strategy. We provide guidance on 4 childcare options to every new group. We’ve also found that when leaders are coached to guide their new group to share the load (reason #2 above) the group often ends up not meeting at the leader’s house. Here’s a link to my article on what to do about childcare: