Twelve: The Global Online GroupLife Gathering
Have you made plans for September 14-15, 2011? That’s when 2011’s biggest online grouplife event happens.
2 days. 3 tracks. 8 sessions. Featuring 36 top small group thinkers…this is a seriously good list. The best news? Through June 29th you can register for as low as $25!
Three Tracks
Essentials Track: This is a highly interactive track taught by Saddleback’s small group pastor Steve Gladen, with small groups director Carolyn Taketa and author and small groups pastor Bill Search. You’ll learn the principles that God has used to create one of the most successful small group ministries in the nation at Saddleback Church, one that has been successfully used in churches around the world of all sizes and virtually all denominations.
In eight sessions over two days you’ll learn how your church can start and grow a healthy small group ministry, can’t-miss principles, and how to connect your community and your church for spiritual health. Steve is joined by two dynamic leaders of small group ministries in other churches.
Experience Track: This interactive track is taught by over a dozen working small group ministry leaders at churches of all sizes around the country. Each topic explores what happens when you apply ministry principles that work in one size church into practice in other types and sizes of churches. You’ll gain street-level insights from leaders who have hit the walls and found ways over, around, through or under them. You’ll gain breakthrough ideas and practical knowledge to successfully apply exponential small group ministry principles in your church (Full disclosure: I’m presenting in the Experience Track).
Planning Track: In this track, Ron Wilbur, Chip Kelly and Ben Reed will take you through the process of mapping out an 18-month plan for your small group ministry using the essentials of exponential small groups. You will tailor the plan to your church, your issues, your road blocks and your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll have some initial prep work to do before the event to help you get even tailored to your church. You’re encouraged to enlist any other members of your team, staff or non-paid, who need to be invested in the ministry for the implementation phase. Embedded in the planning process are the 50 key area learnings that came out of the successful Saddleback model that now has more people in weekly small groups than attend weekend services.
My Personal Recommendation
Twelve is going to be great! It will be an easy way for you to expose your team (key leaders, coaches, other staff, even prospective team members) to some of the very best grouplife thinking.
Plan a two day confab at your offices. Invite pastors and point people from nearby churches.
This will be an investment that will pay off in a big way. Yes, I am doing a session (teaming up with Mac Lake), so you’d expect me to be enthusiastic. But these speakers are the experts I listen to. This is a no-brainer.
Register: It’s easy to register. You can do that right here.
Learn More: Need more information? You can get everything you need right here.
Really excited about it Mark! Trying to get a site licence set up for my church and some of the surrounding churches. Really looking forward to it, 🙂
That’s awesome Adam! This is going to be a great opportunity to spread some really important ideas!