Twitter: What’s to Love

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Twitter.  Crazy name.  Sounds a little goofy.  Very odd to tell people you tweeted this or that today.  Even stranger to try and explain being re-tweeted.

I don’t know if you use Twitter, but I think it’s an important tool and want to give you my take (why I like it and how I use it).

What Is Twitter?

What is Twitter really?  It’s much like sending a text message (you’re limited to 140 characters), only you’re sending the text to everyone who is following you.  Only people who elected to follow you can see what you’ve tweeted.  Also, you can only see the tweets of those you are following.  If you’re concerned about how broadly your information is leaked…you are notified every time someone new follows you and you can choose to block them.  I’ve done that a few times when it’s been something inappropriate (weird, but it is being used by people who are sharing evil too).

I like Twitter because it allows me to stay aware of what a lot of my friends are doing (kind of like Facebook) and share what I’m doing.  I can also begin to get to know people I’ve met here or there in ministry.  I also use Twitter to spread the news about a new post here at MarkHowellLive or over at StrategyCentral.  Every time I post a new article here, it automatically updates Twitter and Twitter updates Facebook.  Very cool.

Small Group Peeps:

Because I’ve chosen to, I follow many of the people who follow me.  Don’t know ’em all, but some of them are tweeting right in my main interest areas.  Here are a few of my favorite small group ministry peeps:

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  1. Reid Smith on November 13, 2009 at 10:28 am

    Great article on the ‘why’ of Twittering, Mark. Just shared with the Purpose Driven Small Group Network Area Leaders on leveraging the power of social media in networking – I’ll forward this one along to them along with Rick Howerton’s recent addition. Thanks buddy!

  2. Mark Howell on November 13, 2009 at 10:31 am

    Thanks Reid!
