We Have So Much To Be Thankful For

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4537175786_96f711c423_zIt has been just over 14 months since Eric, our 19 year-old son, was killed in a motorcycle accident. We’ll never forget the knock on our door just before midnight. As word got out, we were quickly surrounded by friends and family and inundated with calls, texts and emails as our friends from everywhere offered their support and prayers. We were numb but surrounded by community.

This morning I did what I do almost every morning. While I made coffee, I thought about Eric and thanked God for the years we got to spend with him, watching his transformation from the 35 pound, shell shocked and painfully shy six year old we adopted to a truly amazing young man who impacted pretty much everyone he came in contact with.

This morning, I thanked God for Eric and asked God the same thing I do every morning. “When you see Eric, could you tell him we all miss him and can’t wait to see his big smile again?”

This morning I went on to thank God for the way He has blessed us with so much. I’m thankful for Debbie, who has endured me and loved me for almost 27 years. We’re thankful for our son Chris and his wife, Dee, and their three children. We’re thankful for our daughter Alexis and her three children. And what a blessing our parents and brothers and sisters are every day.

We’re thankful for so many friends both here in Las Vegas and everywhere we’ve been (Parkview, Adventure, LifeTogether, Seacoast Grace, Lake Avenue, Woodlands Church, WoodsEdge, Heritage, etc.). Actually, our friends go back to even before Debbie and I were married (to First Baptist Duncanville and Del Cerro).

We’re thankful for the members of so many small groups and Bible studies over the years. We’re thankful for neighbors who stay in contact long after we’re gone and look forward to seeing us when we’re back in town. We’re thankful, too, for many, many connections that have made big churches seem small.

We’re thankful for the opportunity to be part of the mission in churches that are committed to reaching unchurched people and making a difference where they are and around the world.

And I have to say, I thank God every day for the opportunity to share what I’m learning with small group ministry point people  everywhere. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear from someone somewhere in the world about how what I’m sharing has made a difference.

It’s Thanksgiving Day here in America and we have a lot to be thankful for.



Image by Judy Merrill-Smith