Don’t Miss Pete Wilson’s New Study: “What Keeps You Up At Night?”
I spent some time with a great new study today. One you are definitely going to want to know about and add to your recommended list. What Keeps You Up At Night: How to Find Peace While Chasing Your Dreams is the latest study from Pete Wilson, founding and senior pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. Pete’s ministry–”an outreach focused on helping people become radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to each other, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside of God’s family with the Gospel–has made Pete a frequent speaker at national and international church conferences.”
I love this line from the website: “Today’s world, with all its expectations, responsibilities, and shortcomings, has created an environment ripe for the kind of uncertainty that has shackled an entire generation. This small-group Bible study helps participants activate faith and trust in God that will propel them forward through fear and anxiety to peace, faithfulness, and trust.”
Based on Pete’s new book by the same title, What Keeps You Up At Night hits the bullseye of what I call a cross-cultural study. After all, doesn’t everyone have things that keep them up at night? That’s not a topic that only Christians care about. This is a study that neighbors, friends, co-workers and family will readily identify with and it will make a very easy invite.
What Keeps You Up At Night is a 6 week DVD-driven study featuring teaching by Pete Wilson. With his conversational style and the average session length of 16 minutes, the video segments easily hold group members’ attention.
The Bible study book includes a video viewing guide and an easy-to-use group discussion. It also includes a section between group meetings for personal reflection, organized as Personal Reflection, Deeper Look and Now What? At an average length of 12 pages, this section for personal reflection will take some time to complete but could be completed over several mornings.
If you’re looking for a study that will help your small groups wrestle with a topic that everyone deals with–Christians and nonChristians alike–What Keeps You Up At Night will be a great addition to your recommended list. I loved it and I’m sure your groups will find it extremely helpful.