What’s your most recent learning?

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What’s your most recent learning?

What’s your most recent learning?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently.

I remember sitting in a staff meeting at the first church I ever got paid to work at and hearing my pastor say that you could tell what year someone stopped learning by looking at the copyright dates of the books on their shelves.You can tell what year someone stopped learning by looking at the copyright dates of the books on their shelves. Share on X


I hope I never stop being a learner.

I hope you never stop either.

Here’s what’s on my learning track right now:

What’s on your learning track right now? Are you actively operating as a learner? Or do the copyright dates on your shelf indicate that you’re done learning?

I hope I never stop being a learner. I hope when I’m an old man I am still becoming more of what I was meant to be. I hope there will always be a next thing at which I’m becoming an expert. I hope I will always have something to contribute.

I hope you will never stop becoming a learner either.

Need to add something to your learning track? I hope you’ll consider joining me for my next mini-course: Small Group Ministry Basic Training.

Regardless of the official role you play, (i.e., whether you are a paid member of a church staff or a passionate volunteer, whether you’re able to specialize as a small group pastor or director or you’re a senior pastor wearing a lot of hats), there is probably plenty for you to learn. It’s a never-ending journey for me. I bet it is for you too.

And whether this mini-course is your next step or not…I hope you never stop learning.

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