Who’s coaching you? Anyone?

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whos-coaching-youWho’s coaching you? Anyone?

Who’s coaching you?

Now before you even think about that, take a moment and think about the following:

You realized a long time ago that whatever you want to happen in the lives of small group members has to happen in the lives of their leaders first.

It was one of those things that was just self-evident. Right?

So you started working hard to build an effective coaching structure (so your coaches will be able to do TO and FOR your small group leaders the things you want your leaders to do TO and FOR their members).

And now that you’ve got that going, you are able to begin investing in your coaches. Doing TO and FOR them the things that you want them to do TO and FOR the leaders they are developing.

And that begs a question.

Can you see it?

Yep! Who’s coaching you? Who’s developing you? Anyone?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that whatever you want to happen in the lives of the members of your small groups might ultimately have something to do with your own growth?

If you can see that, I want to invite you to consider joining my 2017 small group ministry coaching network.

Now, you might be thinking, “Well, Mark’s kind of already coaching me. He’s just coaching me via his blog!” And if my blog is helping you…I’m really glad. But…I’d still say you’re missing a key ingredient of coaching. You’re missing the two-way conversation. You’re missing the feedback!

Alternatively, you might be thinking, “Well, I’m getting some good feedback from the other small group pastors in my huddle.” And if you are part of a huddle or you’ve got some knowledgable small group ministry compadres, I’m really glad. But…I’d still say you’re probably missing a key ingredient of coaching! Depending on who is in your huddle, I might just bring something to your table that only someone with my experience can bring.

Honestly, I don’t really know what you’re thinking! I just know how often I hear from previous coaching network participants telling me how valuable the experience was and how much of a difference it made in their most recent church-wide campaign or how their coaching structure is finally effective and healthy!

Super Early Bird Registration closes October 31st!

Bottom line? I really wish you’d consider joining my 2017 small group ministry coaching network! And join the network before the super early bird registration closes on 10/31!

And, I want you to remember that the super early bird gets more than the worm! The super early birds also get the best prices! And, if that weren’t enough, this year the super early bird also gets the added bonus of attending GroupLife Southwest as part of your package!

Here’s the scoop about my 2017 coaching network:

My 2017 Small Group Ministry Coaching Network experience is designed to give you the tools and strategies you need in order to build a small group ministry that works in the 21st century. The coaching network program will expose you to a new perspective. While it makes sense that in order to get different results you need to do different things…it’s not always clear what those different things might be. My coaching network program is designed around the idea that different, not better, leads to the kind of strategy that connects beyond the usual suspects.

Who will be part of the network? Each of my networks are limited to 15 participants and are designed for small group champions who serve in a local church. Because of the nature of the role, champions may be senior pastors, executive pastors, small group pastors and directors, ministers of education, and other key leaders.

What will you receive?

  • Five monthly coaching sessions. Anchored by a 90 minute video conference call, these group session provides focused exposure to the strategies that will build a more powerful platform.  Sessions are scheduled at 11am Pacific on January 19th, February 16th, April 20th, May 18th, and June 15th).
  • Two day gathering in Las Vegas. March 29th: 1pm-5pm followed by dinner | March 30th: 8am-12pm
  • Bonus: Registration for GroupLife Southwest is included (my small group conference here in Las Vegas is March 27th and 28th)
  • Focused training on key strategic steps including planning with the end in mind, developing an annual grouplife calendar, identifying an unlimited number of new leaders, launching new groups in waves, and impacting your community through groups.
  • Tools, strategies and next steps to be implemented after every session.
  • Access to special password protected network pages with customized content for each session.
  • Scheduled 60 minute one-on-one calls to address questions more specifically, bring team members into the conversation, or help equip your senior pastor or other key staff members.
  • The opportunity to connect with other network participants between sessions
  • Email access to Mark during the six months

What are the expectations?

  • Participate in all six sessions
  • Invest as little as $1050* (*super early bird pricing thru 10/31/15, early bird pricing of $1150 from 11/1-11/30, $1250 after 11/30/15)
  • Cover your own travel expenses to the two day gathering
  • Commit to the reading and exercises between sessions

What’s next? Complete the Coaching Network Application. My 2017 Coaching Network begins on January 19th, 2017. Questions? Contact me.