Why We Do What We Do

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Why We Do What We Do

Sometimes the life of a small group pastor/director is challenging..

Months of behind the scenes preparation and planning.

Weeks of quiet attention to details.

Waking up in the night remembering a detail that must be attended to.

Recruiting volunteers. And then recruiting more volunteers.

Coaxing, pleading, begging, gently challenging and persuading senior pastors and others to make the ask in a compelling way.

Bravely and humbly asking for senior pastors and others to make the ask “once more with feeling.”

Writing compelling emails. Negotiating with the communications department to send one more church-wide email. To allow a suddenly “illegal” text message reminder.

Ordering pizza and drinks for the sign-up number (knowing they will not all show up).

Asking your childcare coordinator to think about ways to take care of more children (knowing they will not all show up).

And preparing for the unexpected.

Why? Why do we do what we do?

It’s simple really. We believe unconnected people are worth connecting. And spiritual infants and toddlers are worth investing in.

We believe life-change happens in circles, not in rows. Those you connect, those you and your team sacrifice to connect, can belong before they believe. Those you connect will survive the one tough thing they face in the next year (or few months).

Someday down the road, those you connect will stop you, remember with you the craziness of the life group connection, and let you know that because they were connected their marriage survived. That they withstood the struggle of unemployment or a devastating illness. That they had a group of friends to lean on when their teenager was killed tragically or has slipped away and made some bad choices.

Someday down the road, those you connect will become church leaders and game-changers in their homes and neighborhoods and workplaces.

As a result of your sacrifice and that of your team an ever expanding congregation of those whose lives are different will have you and your team to thank.

And whether they actually thank you out loud or not…there is One who sees your commitment to connect another wave of unconnected people. One who is applauding your persistence. One who is shouting “well done.”

May we never forget it.

Image by Art Pozkanser