Win a FREE Bundle of Five Dates: Don’t Work on Your Problems, Work on Your Togetherness

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I’ve spent some time with the newest resource from Mike Foster and I think you’re going to want to know about this. Over the last several years Mike and his team have produced several of the most creative small group resources out there (Freeway, Wonderlife, Rescue Academy, etc.). Although his latest project is not a small group study, it has tremendous potential to be used in couples small groups or as a resource in ministry to couples.

Co-written with Jennifer Foster, Five Dates: Don’t Work on Your Problems, Work on Your Togetherness is an excellent resource for dating, engaged or married couples who want (or need) a

Five Dates is a his and her workbook, a strategic guidebook, designed to help couples build the relationship they’ve always wanted. The process is truly simple, very innovative and something that couples will enjoy doing together.

As usual, the layout of the resource is very creative and visually appealing (If you’ve seen any of Mike’s previous work, you know what i’m talking about).

The “Five Dates” workbooks include:

  • Short readings that unpack the big idea
  • Creative elements to help you understand each other
  • A relationship roadmap
  • Journaling areas
  • Personal assessments and excercises
  • Discussion questions for the date

Five Dates guides couples through a 5 step process (presence, talk styles, gratitude, origins, and dreams) and each step of the way is creatively designed to engage both women and men. You may have to trust me on this, the his and her workbooks will definitely help both men and women engage.

Five Dates is also very easy to use with four easy to understand and apply steps:

Step 1: Do the reading and exercises in your “Five Dates” workbook (there are built-in differences between the his and her versions..
Step 2: Plan a date and meet at your favorite spot later in the week.
Step 3: Discuss the concepts and exercises together.
Step 4: Repeat these steps for each chapter.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use resource that will help the couples in your church (and in your community), be sure and take a look at Five Dates! This resource will help couples work on togetherness (and that’s more important that working on problems). I really like Five Dates and I think the couples in your ministry will too.

You must do TWO (2) things.  And you have to do BOTH to win.

  1. Use the comment section to tell me why you’d like to win.  Be sure and use your first and last name (that’s how I find your Facebook post).  You can comment right here.
  2. Tweet or Facebook the following line: “RT @MarkCHowell: Win a FREE Bundle of Five Dates: Don’t Work on Your Problems, Work on Your Togetherness  #fivedates“

The contest ends on Tuesday, May 29th, at noon (PT).  Thanks for playing!

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