Your Thinking Determines Outcomes

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Ever wonder why your decisions keep producing outcomes that are less than what you hoped for?  Maybe it’s because the thinking that determines your decisions is not based on truth.  Maybe it’s only wishful thinking.  Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  And yet…many of us make decisions all day long that are based on assumptions that are just not correct.

Some time back Andy Stanley talked about this concept in a message called “Breakaway.”  Here’s what he said, “Your thinking determines your decisions and your decisions determine your outcomes.”

Next time you find yourself standing amidst the debris field of a bad outcome, ask yourself: “What are the deeply held beliefs that led me to make the decisions that produced this outcome?”  That’s where you might find an adjustment to your thought process.  See also, 5 Assumptions That Stunt Small Group Ministry Growth and What In Your Ministry Is Off-Limits for Debate?