Celebrating 2000 Posts: My 20 Favorites

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celebrating-2000Earlier this month I published my 2000 post here at MarkHowellLive.com. I knew I was closing in on it, but honestly it slipped by without me noticing.

I began blogging here in early 2008. Although I don’t have accurate stats on readers and pageviews until 2009, I know it was a slow beginning in terms of traffic. Today…well today is different.

I realized that some of my top 20 posts (according to Google) had benefitted from being among my oldest posts. So I decided to choose my 20 favorites instead.

Here is my best attempt at my 20 favorite posts. Hope they’re among yours too!

  1. 8 Habits of a Life-Changing Small Group Leader (October, 2013)
  2. 5 Things You Need to Know about Connecting Unconnected People (May 2013)
  3. What’s Your Urgency Level for Connecting Unconnected People? (June 2012)
  4. 7 Practices for Developing and Discipling Your Small Group Coaches  (December, 2013)
  5. 5 Essential Practices of a 21st Century Small Group System (August, 2012)
  6. 7 Assumptions that Shape My Small Group Strategy (June, 2013)
  7. 5 Habits I’d Look for If I Was Hiring a Small Group Pastor (January, 2014)
  8. 7 Things You Must Do TO and FOR Your Small Group Leaders (October, 2015)
  9. 6 Essential Questions about Making Disciples and Small Group Ministry(November, 2014)
  10. Four Obsessions of the Extraordinary Small Group Pastor (February, 2015)
  11. 5 Stupid Things Small Group Pastors Need to Stop Doing (September, 2015)
  12. Ten Ideas that Have Shaped My Philosophy of Ministry (December, 2012)
  13. Top 5 Reasons Small Group Leaders Quit (August, 2015)
  14. 8 Secrets for Discovering an Unlimited Number of Leaders (December, 2014)
  15. 5 Things that Used to Work in Small Group Ministry (January, 2016)
  16. 5 Things You Need to Know about 21st Century Small Group Ministry  (September, 2015)
  17. Foundational Teaching: Next Steps for Everyone (October, 2015)
  18. 10 Things Small Group Pastors Should Always Be Thinking (September, 2015)
  19. 5 Clues that Point to a Change in Small Group Ministry (October, 2015)
  20. The Future of Small Group Ministry (July, 2016)

What do you think?  Is your favorite missing?  You can click here to jump into the conversation.

Image by Evan Long


  1. Jon Stolpe on October 30, 2016 at 7:17 am

    Congrats, Mark. 2000 is an amazing milestone. I passed 2000 this summer, and I am thankful for the opportunities, experiences, reflections, and friendships over 9 1/2 years of blogging have brought me. Keep it up!

  2. Mark Howell on November 2, 2016 at 9:28 am

    Thanks Jon!