Designing Your Small Group Ministry to Get To There

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Ready to see change in your small group ministry?  Ready for the day when your small group system really is producing life-change?  Not in pockets or individuals but in number?  How many times have you thought, “I’ll give this one more try?”  How many times have you thought, “Maybe we should just give up!”

I want to invite you to a 30 day experiment.  I’ve put a tool online that will guide you (and your team) through a weekly set of exercises and discussions designed to help you implement an approach that will do what you dream of doing. 

The best part?  The 30 day experiment is free.  Careful though.  It’s not easy.  It will take work.  But if you’re really interested in getting to THERE…this is a path you need to look at.  And you can begin by signing up right here: