Great Question: What Does Love Require of Me?

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You probably know by now I love a great question. In fact...I guess I'm a collector of great questions.

I came across a great question last night in our Life Group meeting. We've been using an Andy Stanley study called Christian: It's Not What You Think for the last couple months (It is a fantastic study, by the way. I highly recommend it.).

In the final session, Andy teaches on John 13:34-35 and drives home the truth that while Jesus could have chosen any number of identifying characteristics (i.e., "They will know you are my disciples if you believe the right things"), He chose love, saying:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 NIV

Want to know how to love one another? Ask yourself the question: What does love require of me?

Want to know how to love one another? Ask yourself the question: What does love require of me? Share on X

Andy concluded his message by asking everyone to imagine what would happen in our families and communities—even our nation—if, for a month, we asked what love requires of us and then responded accordingly?

Further Reading:

6 Essential Questions about Making Disciples and Small Group Ministry

360 Leader: 10 Questions for Self-Leadership

6 Questions We Should All Be Asking

Supercharge Your Ministry Impact with These 5 Questions