Miles McPherson: GroupLife Session 5
Redefine your evangelistic starting point. God responding to the cries of a broken world. That’s the starting point. “I’ve heard your people crying.” Exodus 3:6 When we stop hearing the cries of people…
Identify God’s response to the brokenness of your own life. When we begin to feel like we’re fixed and we are now fixers…we’ve missed the point. We’re still being fixed. We haven’t arrived. If we don’t know that, evangelism becomes information. Not transformation.
Move from a basketball christian to a football christian. When you’re a football player you run through the line, get knocked down, pounded, get back up and are ready to run again. When you’re a basketball player you only have to be touched to go to the line for a free shot.
Identify and love the brokenness of the people in your church. People are crying all around our churches. People are crying in our cities. We need to know it’s there and we need to do something about it. “The only thing that travels faster than light is darkness running away.”
Reestablish your evangelistic priority. Who’s your neighbor? The church is the only organization ever created for the people who aren’t in it yet. What will kill your ministry, your church, will be keeping it to yourself. What won’t kill it? Doing what Jesus did. Going where He went. Being with the people that He went to be with.
Oh my…I wish you had been here.