Now Is the Time To Think About What’s Next
Here’s reality. The best way to sustain the momentum of what you are about to do…is to be ready for the turn at the end of this straight-away. Much like a NASCAR race, there are straight-aways and there are turns in every ministry season. Preparing for and then launching a church-wide campaign (or a fall kick-off) can generate a lot of momentum.
Eventually…you come to the end of the campaign and it’s time for what’s next. The time to begin to make the turn is not when you reach the bend in the road. Like what happens in a NASCAR race, you need to start thinking about the turn before you get there (so you’re in the right spot to begin making the turn).
Here are a few things you need to be thinking about now (before you even hit full speed on the straight-away:
- What curriculum will you provide at the end of the campaign to help your newest groups continue? Remember, new groups are much more likely to continue if you begin talking about what’s next in week 3 or 4 (out of 6) of the launch series. This is so important, I call it one of the 5 Keys To Sustaining New Groups. It’s also one of the Secrets of a Successful Small Group Launch.
- How will you promote what’s next? Remember, your senior pastor is best promoter. It’s also helpful to actually script the promotion of what’s next. Here’s how to do it.
- Remember, sustaining what you launch is actually part of the definition of a win for a church-wide campaign.
- How will you help those who missed the campaign join a small group for the follow-up study? This isn’t a bad time to hold a small group connection.
These are just a few of the most important questions you should be asking right now. And trust me…right now really is the time to be thinking this way. If your church is like mine, you really don’t want to get into the turn to start thinking about coming out the other end.
If you’re still working on the details of a church-wide campaign, here are my Top 10 Articles on Church-Wide Campaigns. You might also want to take a refresher Thinking Strategically About the Fall Season.