Quotebook: Receiving Feedback and Effective Discipleship
You may have never thought of discipleship quite this way, but effective discipleship really has to do with the disciple's ability to receive feedback. This important idea switched on for me at the Global Leadership Summit listening to Sheila Heen talk about feedback (you can read my key takeaways from her talk right here).
As Dallas Willard pointed out, "a mature disciple is one who effortlessly does what Jesus would do if Jesus were him." And how will a mature disciple learn to do what Jesus would do if Jesus were him? Isn't the answer "feedback"?
Here's a key line from Heen's book, Thanks for the Feedback:
"It doesn't matter how much authority or power a feedback giver has; the receivers are in control of what they do and don't let in, how they make sense of what they're hearing, and whether they choose to change." Thanks for the Feedback, p. 5
It doesn't matter how much authority or power a feedback giver has; the receivers are in control of what they do and don't let in, how they make sense of what they're hearing, and whether they choose to change. —Sheila Heen Share on X
To see the rest of my quotebook, click here.
Image by Ken Bosma