Quotebook: The Essence of Discipleship

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What is a disciple and how is a disciple made? When does it begin? What does it look like to begin? All good questions and should be driving our thinking as we set out to build a thriving small group ministry. After all, if you don't know what you're trying to make, how will you know if you've arrived at your preferred future? See also, How to Build a Thriving Small Group Ministry and Start with the End in Mind.

I'm finding Bill Hull’s, The Complete Book of Discipleship: On Being and Making Followers of Christ to be a rich resource and very thought-provoking. I came across this line in chapter 7:

You can hear the words of Dallas Willard in the line, but I love the clarity here. "We make a commitment to train to become the kind of person who naturally does what Jesus would do."

In the preceding paragraph Hull points out that this "marks the starting line and represents the essence of discipleship. We make following Jesus our life's goal and intention."

Are your small groups designed to help members make a commitment to train to become the kind of people who naturally do what Jesus would do?

Could it be that if the commitment to train is implied in joining a group, today's question might be, "Do your groups train members to become the kind of people who naturally do what Jesus would do?"

To see the rest of my quotebook, click here.

Image by tableatny

See also: