Simple Small Groups

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Looking for leader training ideas?  Simple Small Groups, newly released by Baker Books and written by Bill Search, a veteran small group practitioner, is a great new resource designed to make effective small group ministry simple.

Rather than over-complicate the subject, Search isolates three simple and essential ingredients that every effective group must have, identifies them with a single word, and then proceeds to explain the role played by each of them.  The best part?  He goes on to flesh out the nuts and bolts of how it works.

There are a number of really helpful sections.  My favorite aspect is that each section concludes with a diagnostic set of questions to help determine what your next step is in the development of each essential component.  I can easily see this getting a lot of use!

If you’re like me, you’re looking for resources that are about how it can be better. Simple Small Groups is one of those.  You can pick up your copy right here.

1 Comment

  1. […] in the last several years is Bill Search’s book, Simple Small Groups.  I wrote a review on it right here and included it in my 5 Essential GroupLife […]