Tall Tales and Downright Whoppers That Keep Churches from Launching New Groups

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What keeps you from launching more new groups? A few days ago Thom Rainer posted an article that asked a great question: Why don't more churches have a strategy to start new groups. Good stuff. Can't wait to see his take. I think the answer to the question is actually pretty simple. Most churches don't launch new groups because they've accepted as gospel some tall tales and downright whoppers.

Here are a 5 of the biggest tall tales and downright whoppers:

1. We don't have qualified leaders ready to start new groups.

The absence of qualified leaders is a very common rationalization when churches decline to launch new groups. The truth is almost always that they've made the barrier to entry too high. Rather than rejecting candidates who aren't Jesus Jr., why not make it easy to say "yes" and take a first step? Remember, Jesus began with the B team. His earliest recruits were available because they weren't already busy following another rabbi.

The absence of qualified leaders is a very common rationalization when churches decline to launch new groups. The truth is almost always that they've made the barrier to entry too high. Rather than rejecting candidates who aren't Jesus… Share on X

See also, Leader Qualification: Raising the Bar, Lowering the Bar, or Open Bar and Crowd Friendly Leader Qualification.

2. The potential leaders we have won't commit to leading.

The truth? We've made our entry-level expectations too high! Make a one year commitment? Leaders need to be members and tithers? Attend a weekly or monthly leaders' meeting?

When the potential leaders we have won't commit to leading, we need to rethink what we recruit them to do. How about making the first step into leading an easy one? How about making the first step a toe-in-the-water instead of a cannonball? Or 6 weeks instead of year? Or a test-drive that eventually leads to a purchase?

When the potential leaders we have won't commit to leading, we need to rethink what we recruit them to do. How about making the first step into leading an easy one? How about making the first step a toe-in-the-water instead of a… Share on X

See also, Small Group Host Expectations and Small Group Leader Expectations.

3. We've tried to launch new groups and failed.

Yes, but how did you try before? Granted, but what strategy did you use to launch new groups? Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work."

When our attempts to launch new groups have failed, the particular methods and strategies used in the attempt to launch new groups must be evaluated. Conducting an "autopsy without blame" after key initiatives is an essential step.

When our attempts to launch new groups have failed, the particular methods and strategies used in the attempt to launch new groups must be evaluated. Conducting an autopsy without blame after key initiatives is an essential step. Share on X

See also, Innovation Step One: Acknowledge What's Not Working and Resolve to Become an Innovator.

4. We need to fill our existing groups before we start new groups.

The compulsion to fill our existing groups before starting new groups is a major strategic misstep. Nothing could be further from the truth. Group leaders and even group members must be trained to be on the lookout for new members and fill their own groups.

New groups are essential if you want to connect unconnected people. There is a reason they haven't joined one of your existing groups. Whether it is a good reason is irrelevant. The point is, we must have a bias toward new groups if we want to connect unconnected people.

New groups are essential if you want to connect unconnected people. There is a reason they haven't joined one of your existing groups. Whether it is a good reason is irrelevant. The point is, we must have a bias toward new groups if we… Share on X

See also, A Bias Toward New Groups, Top 10 Ways to Find New Group Members and 5 Assumptions That Stunt Small Group Ministry Growth.

5. Our existing group leaders expect us to promote their groups first (or equally).

This is a dangerous expectation that underlies an even more perilous assumption. That every program or opportunity is due equal promotion time is a perilous assumption. The reality is that wise leaders must narrow the focus and promote only the path that leads most directly to the desired destination. It's been demonstrated convincingly that providing more options actually leads to fewer decisions.

That every program or opportunity is due equal promotion time is a perilous assumption. The reality is that wise leaders must narrow the focus and promote only the path that leads most directly to the desired destination. Share on X

See also, Narrowing the Focus Leads to a Church OF Groups and Is an Artificial Barrier Limiting Growth in Your Small Group Ministry.

What do you think? Have one to add? Want to argue? You can click here to jump into the conversation.

Image by Anjan Chatterjee


  1. Andrew Mason on November 4, 2013 at 10:23 am

    This is a great list Mark. When these become deciding factors I think it reveals a lack of buy-in to the concept of Biblical community.

  2. markchowell on November 4, 2013 at 11:13 am

    No doubt! Thanks Andrew!

  3. Leon Burdette on June 8, 2014 at 11:05 am

    I’ve actually heard all of these personally. A recent conversation was tht if we “birth” a group out if an existing group some will leave the church.

  4. markchowell on June 8, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    Thanks for jumping in here, Leon! That is another whopper!
