The Latest on Church Wide Campaigns (2012)

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Saddleback released the 40 Days of Purpose church-wide campaign in 2002.  Although they had previously launched internal spiritual growth campaigns, this one really was a just-add-water option.  Of course, in 2002 it really was just about the only option.

Today, there are lots of options and there are more all the time.  I’ve reviewed many of them and cataloged them here for your convenience.  How to choose?  I’d highly recommend my article, “How to Choose the Right Church-Wide Campaign.”

The Nearly Complete List of Church-Wide Campaigns

Note: This list is alphabetical.  In most cases I’ve linked to my own review of the campaign.

What if you could start 10 times as many new groups-


  1. Rachel Kwong on September 19, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    We the Beijing International Christian Fellowship has developed a few good quality small group resources in English and Chinese. It is available for FREE downloads on or our website

  2. markchowell on September 20, 2013 at 7:19 am

    This is awesome Rachel! So glad to know about your work. I’ll take a look at what you’re developing!
