Saddleback released the 40 Days of Purpose church-wide campaign in 2002. Although they had previously launched internal spiritual growth campaigns, this one really was a just-add-water option. Of course, in 2002 it really was just about the only option.
Today, there are lots of options and there are more all the time. I’ve reviewed many of them and cataloged them here for your convenience. How to choose? I’d highly recommend my article, “How to Choose the Right Church-Wide Campaign.”
The Nearly Complete List of Church-Wide Campaigns (as of 10/23/17)
Note: This list is alphabetical. In most cases, I’ve linked to my own review of the campaign.
- 40 Days of Community (Rick Warren)
- 40 Days of God’s Kingdom (Rick Stinton)
- 40 Days of Love (Rick Warren)
- 40 Days of Prayer (Rick Warren)
- 40 Days of Purpose (See below for the new title: What On Earth Am I Here For)
- 40 Days in the Word (Rick Warren)
- All In: You Are One Decision Away from a Completely Different Life (Mark Batterson)
- Be the Message (Kerry Shook)
- The Circle Maker (Mark Batterson)
- Courageous
- The Crucified Life (Charlie Holt)
- The Daniel Plan (Rick Warren)
- Daring Faith: The Key to Miracles (Rick Warren)
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pete Scazzero)
- Fight: Winning the Battles that Matter Most (Craig Groeschel)
- Finding Your Way Back to God (Dave and Jon Ferguson)
- Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth (Hugh Halter)
- Follow Me (David Platt)
- Freeway: A Not So Perfect Guide to Freedom (Mike Foster)
- GodQuest: Discover the God Your Heart is Searching For
- God’s Story, Your Story (Max Lucado)
- Gospel Revolution: Recovering the Power of Christianity (J.D. Greear)
- How to Be Rich (Andy Stanley)
- Just Walk Across the Room (Bill Hybels)
- Let Hope In: 4 Decisions That Will Change Your Life Forever (Pete Wilson)
- The Life You’ve Always Wanted (John Ortberg)
- Life on Mission (Tim Harlow)
- Life’s Healing Choices (Rick Warren)
- The Me I Want to Be (John Ortberg)
- Not a Fan (Kyle Idleman)
- Nothing’s Too Hard for God
- Outlive Your Life (Max Lucado)
- The Power of a Whisper (Bill Hybels)
- Pressure Points: A Study of James (Chip Henderson)
- The Prodigal God (Tim Keller)
- Read the Bible for Life (George Guthrie)
- Soul Detox (Craig Groeschel)
- Starting Over (Dave and Jon Ferguson)
- Stolen (Kerry Shook)
- The Miracle of Mercy (Rick Warren)
- The Story (Randy Frazee and Max Lucado)
- Transformed: How God Changes Us (Rick Warren)
- Unexplainable: Pursuing a Life Only God Can Make Possible
- Walking with God in the Desert (Ray Vander Laan)
- WEiRD (Craig Groeschel)
- What Keeps You Up at Night? (Pete Wilson)
- What On Earth Am I Here For? (Rick Warren)
- Wonderlife (Mike Foster)
- You’ll Get Through This (Max Lucado)