The Latest On Church-Wide Campaigns (2010)

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If you want to give your members a gift they’ll never forget…use a church-wide campaign.  What Rick Warren calls a spiritual growth emphasis can have an impact that your people will still be talking about 10 years from now.  More importantly, done in the right way, a church-wide campaign can have a transformational impact on your community.

(Need help?  Click here to find out about my Church-Wide Campaign Coaching program)

Key Concepts To Incorporate Into Your Planning

Top 10 Reasons Church-Wide Campaigns Miss The Mark

The Exponential Power of a Church-Wide Campaign

Preparing for Church-Wide Campaigns

New Church-Wide Campaigns

In addition to the lists of church-wide campaigns that I’ve provided in 2008 and 2009, here are a few new offerings that you may not know about:

The Me I Want To Be, by John Ortberg, is now available as a church-wide campaign.  If you’re looking for a plug and play opportunity, this is a good one.  Although you’d need to position it carefully, it could be a study that would reach beyond your congregation and into the crowd that comes less frequently.  I can see this study being very powerful in January, while New Year’s resolutions are their strongest.

Life’s Healing Choices is a powerful 8 week experience based on The Beatitudes.  Used by Saddleback in the fall of 2009, this is the study that pushed overall group involvement to new heights with over 28,000 participants.  Integrating John Baker’s powerful book by the same name, and relying on many of the principles that have been so effective in Celebrate Recovery, this is a study that can have impact beyond the congregation.

Unexplainable: Pursuing a Life Only God Can Explain, by Don Cousins, is an engaging book and DVD that can be used as a campaign.  Particularly if you’ve done a campaign in the past and you’re only looking for content…this could be a good way to move your congregation spiritually.  While this isn’t a topic that will easily engage the crowd…it will be a way to help the congregation take a step toward greater commitment.

Create Your Own Church-Wide Campaign

As you’re planning your next church-wide campaign, keep in mind that you have several options.  In addition to a growing selection of off-the-shelf campaigns, many churches are choosing to create their own.  I’ve provided a few ideas for creating your own campaign right here.

If you’re thinking about creating a custom church-wide campaign…one that really fits your church and your mission…I want to encourage you to consider outsourcing the production to an experienced team.  The key reason that I suggest you at least consider having the project developed for you is that a church-wide campaign can be the very first exposure many people have to your church.  Neighbors and friends, invited to join a small group, will often see and hear your pastor for the first time in a living room.  It only makes sense to make that their first exposure ought to be a high quality experience.

I’ve provided a little more thinking on this idea right here, as well as a sample of one of the church-wide campaigns we developed for a great church in Texas.

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